We get it, the run up to moving day is frantic and with so many things to remember along with the physical demands of actually packing ready for your move, it’s fair to say that moving home can be an exhausting time!
You might think then that your first night in your new home will lead to all of that stress disappearing and a great night’s sleep. Sadly, that’s not always the case.
Whilst it’s true that physical activity can have a positive impact on sleep, it’s also true that being wired and stressed can negatively impact your sleep. So if getting a good night’s sleep in your new home is a priority, read on.
Unfamiliar Surroundings Can Exacerbate Stress
When you’re in a new and unfamiliar setting, it can be harder to sleep. In fact, this is down to an evolutionary throw back, where it was important for us to remain vigilant and on guard in unfamiliar surroundings, lest we be eaten by a sabre-toothed tiger or trampled by a mammoth.
In an unfamiliar setting, you might find that your stress hormone, cortisol, stubbornly refuses to dissipate, keeping you on high alert for any potential danger. Of course, you’re unlikely to face any real danger in your new home, but try telling that to your stress hormones!
A change in routine can also have a negative impact on our ability to sleep and whilst some of us adapt quickly, others may find change more difficult to deal with and it may take a few nights to feel totally at ease in your new home.
You can read more about the emotional impact of moving home here.
Evaluate Your Bedroom For Comfort
Of course, your new bedroom is going to be different and it might take a while to get the final furniture placement just so and you might not feel right at home in your new bedroom until you’ve put your decorative stamp on it. You might even find that you’re without curtains or blinds for the first few nights, all of which can impact your ability to drop off and stay asleep.
The single most important thing to consider though is your bed. It’s claimed that you should replace your mattress every 7-10 years, so if your bed is old or your mattress is squeaky or lumpy, it might be time to consider upgrading it, as a comfy new mattress can do wonders to help improve your sleep.
It’s also important to consider the temperature in your bedroom, ideally, a bedroom that’s on the cool side is beneficial to sleep so make sure your new bedroom isn’t too warm.
We humans are a highly adaptable species (just look at how we all managed to cope with the weirdness of lockdown!), but it can take time to establish new routines and habits so it could take a good few weeks before you truly feel at home and settled in your new property.
Relaxation Is Key
Whether it’s a glass of wine and a good book in a hot bath, a long session at the gym or following a guided meditation, do whatever works for you in terms of relieving stress and do try to cut yourself some slack!
The build-up of stress is unlikely to simply disappear the day you move into your new home, and there’s now the pressure of emptying all those boxes and making your new home the perfect space you dreamed it would be.
With a bit of luck on your first night in your new home, you’ll be so shattered that you’ll fall straight to sleep, but in reality, you’re still likely to be pretty wired and feeling tense.
When it comes to relaxation techniques, it’s all about finding what works for you, so whether it’s essentials oils in a diffuser, a bedtime camomile tea, listening to binaural beats, reading, yoga or a massage, make sure you’re aware of your need for relaxation and do everything you can to wind down fully before bedtime to stand the best chance of sleeping well in your new home.
8 Easy Relaxation Ideas To Try
- Run yourself a warm bath or shower
- Turn electrical devices off and read a book
- Listen to some calming music
- Practice deep breathing or meditation
- Write in a journal or make a to-do list to help you get things off your mind
- Do a bit of yoga or gentle stretching
- Use a pulse point essential oil roller, pillow spray or diffuser
- Spend some time outdoors and go for a stroll
- Make yourself a soothing caffeine-free brew, like Camomile or mint tea
Goodnight and sweet dreams!